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Question types

Yes/No question
You fill in your single answer question. You can add the "No opinion" option
Multiple choice question
Once you have filled in your question, you allow the persons answering to choose one or more answers.
Comparison / Image scoring
You fill in your question and allow the persons answering to score the image and/or enter a comment.
Scoring slider
The scoring slider is used when you want to assess an opinion or a feeling about a product or a service.
Scoring matrix
Using the scoring matrix you enter your question and indicate different elements of answers. There is a choice of several scoring bars available.
Order of priority
You enter your question and allow the people answering to sort their answers into an order of priority.
The percentage question allows the persons answering to enter percentages, the total of which must be 100%.
Free field
The people answering can answer the question in text, date or number format.
Multiple free-form fields
You enter your question and enter several answers to it. You can choose answers in date, text or number format.
The drop-down question works the same as a multiple choice question. It allows respondents to select their choice of answer via a drop-down menu.
Respondents move a cursor to select the answer choice.
Images choice
You give respondents the option of selecting one or more images.
Choice spreadsheet
You fill in the title of the columns and rows. You can configure the number of accepted responses per line.
Freefield spreadsheet
You fill in the title of the columns and rows. You can configure the expected format in the cells (text, number, email, date).
Hidden field
A hidden field can be filled in via a parameter passed in the url to access the questionnaire.