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Online poll

Need to create a survey? Do you want to set up a study quickly?
Drag'n Survey supports you in carrying out your online survey

An optimized user journey, a simple and fun construction




1. Create an online poll

Intuitive creation.
Accessible to everyone.

2. Send easily your poll

Simple distribution by email,
on social networks, QR Code,
on your website or blog.

3. Analyze data

Processing of results.
Computerized and in real time.
Customizable report.

Artificial intelligence

Drag'n Survey's AI analyzes large amounts of text and returns a cloud of keywords.
For satisfaction surveys, get a general level of satisfaction as well as the main keywords by satisfaction index (positive, negative).

You have the control from start to finish.

Account management

Create and distribute study models to your employees
Manage user accounts
Centralize and analyze data

An attentive and available team

You can join our team at any time to ask your questions.
We care about you so we reply quickly.

A good analysis tool

Once the survey has been created and distributed in the colors and with your company logo, it is only useful if you can analyze the results. To do this, filter the data and graphics for easy reading. You can then export the data under different formats (Excel, PDF, Web link) depending on the operation that you want to make it.

Drag'n Survey is professional survey software that adapts to needs and expectations of its users.

An online survey to get the answers to all your questions

Drag'n Survey is the tool you need to create an online survey,
whether for a satisfaction survey, a market study in the field of consumption, a training evaluation,
a Human Resources survey or a study in the health sector ...

For all of these industries, it can be important to do an opinion poll to create a new product or service.
This will also allow you to put in place strategies to address gaps.

We allow you to carry out your study easily thanks to a software that is simple to use, efficient and innovative.
Indeed, the use of the solution does not require training because it does not require any particular knowledge in computer science

They use Drag'n Survey

Start now
Drag'n Survey supports users at all stages, from design to analysis of results, including dissemination. For the game design, survey templates are made available. They are broken down by sector of activity (training, events, consumption, resources human, health) and each sector offers five different models. Once on the construction part, a bank of more than 500 questions can be used and adapted as needed.
Many question models are available (free field, multiple free fields, multiple choice, ranking, percentage, bar and matrix rating, text box, comparison / rating of images) as well as multiple options (conditional branching, mandatory response, display random answers, several answers accepted per question, management of the labels of the rating bar).
Users have at their disposal a help center with numerous images. It is also possible to contact the Drag'n Survey team by phone or email.
The dissemination of a study is done either by email or through a web link, a QR Code and an Iframe code. This allows you to publish your survey on social networks. Once disseminated, the results are processed by the application and constantly updated. This makes it possible to follow the evolution of the participation and focus on what is essential, which is analyzing the data, not processing. The results are easily shared and decision making is accelerated.
Drag'n Survey also provides a methodological guide that presents best practices and tips for a successful study. This guide is available from the help center.