Turn Your Customer Feedback Into Stunning Marketing Content

    Content marketing is the engine which all marketing runs by now. Content marketing is key for social media, blogging, email marketing and for website content. It’s how search engines determine where you should rank online and therefore how much business you can generate online.

    However, many businesses struggle to develop a content marketing strategy. That is because they don’t know what customers really want to read about or how to turn their passion into the written word. Sometimes, it’s because they don’t know how to utilize their resources to the full potential.

    One way that you can build a content marketing strategy is to use feedback given to you from customers. There are several ways that this can be implemented. Here are some great ideas for you to try.

    >> Create your Online Survey with Drag’n Surveyclick here

    1. Blog Articles

    The first, and least often used strategy, is to collect data from customers about aspects of your product/service they don’t understand, or pain points, and use these in articles on your blog. It is a simple strategy that allows you to create content that your audience wants to read.

    An example of how this strategy works like this. A business sells an app to help manage a family’s time better. In a survey, a group of customers say their biggest weak point was getting the children ready for school in the morning. So, the marketing team uses this to write a series of blogs about this subject such as:

    • – Five ways to get your children to school on time.
    • – How to beat the bathroom rush on a school morning.
    • – Are your children taking too long to get ready for school?

    These articles are designed to be direct responses to what customers have stated on surveys. The theory is that other parents will be wondering about this and might use a search engine to find the answers to these questions. By having them as articles, your website should be close to the top of the search results provided that SEO best practices are utilized.

    At the bottom of the article, a quick sales pitch can be added.

    2. For Showcasing Reviews

    A very common use of survey information is to add comments from current customers on websites, social media and in email marketing to showcase the positives of your product. What customers say is very important and prospective buyers are more likely to trust their peers than your marketing content. So, by using reviews within your marketing, you are adding a type of word-of-mouth aspect. This means that you can potentially convert more prospects into customers. All thanks to one survey.

    There are several ways of doing this. Firstly, you can create an: ‘X% of survey respondents stated they preferred us to a leading competitor’ statement for marketing. This can be very powerful and is often used in the cosmetics and grooming industry.

    Or you could add direct quotes to marketing materials for social media, blogs and landing pages that can add proof of promises you’ve made. For instance: Jill said we “…really helped me and the kids make it to school on time.”

    Remember if you add anything to the review for clarity to insert this in square brackets. An example of this could be:

    Jill said we “…really helped me and kids make it [to school] on time.”

    Get The Survey To Provide You With Content Marketing Gold

    Your surveys can help you generate a lot of content for your marketing campaigns. Whether it is in the form of social media content, interactive content or information pieces, survey data can be a very useful resource.

    More about surveys:
    The Easy Way To Get Your Market Research, click here
    4 Ways To Share Survey Results With Your Team, click here
    How To Create Powerful Online Surveys That Get Completed, click here
    How To Improve On Rating Scale Inefficiencies, click here
    Want Your Survey Answered? Don’t Use These Questions, click here

    Read the french version:
    Transformez vos commentaires clients en contenu marketing époustouflant, click here